The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS) is the principal body for the training and education of surgeons in Australia and New Zealand. Accreditation is given by the Australian Medical Council and Medical Council of New Zealand to the RACS who establish the standards for education and training.

The RACS collaborates with, and has a service agreement with the Society, whereby, the Society acts as an agent of the RACS, to administer the Surgical Education and Training (SET) Program in Urology.

The SET Program in Urology is designed to provide trainees with clinical and operative experience in order to learn special methods of investigation and become competent in techniques related to the discipline. At the conclusion of the SET Program in Urology it is expected that trainees will be able to perform as independent practitioners, meeting the requirements of all identified RACS competencies. 

The SET Program in Urology also aims to improve the quality and efficiency of surgical education and training by enabling early selection into specialty training, and streamlining the training experience.

The SET Program in Urology aims for excellence in urology by maintaining strict standards with the selection, training and education of doctors. By focussing on trainees with the ability to acquire the necessary surgical skills and competencies, the program seeks to produce urologists of the highest standard. The Board of Urology looks for potential in trainees, recognizing that past behaviour is often a predictor of future performance. The Board promotes and maintains the highest ethical values and principles, while supporting and encouraging a career of continued professional development. 

SET Program



 Basic urology training


 Intermediate urology training


 Intermediate urology training


 Advanced urology training


 Advanced urology training - progressing
to independent clinical practice



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