Member Achievements

Chair of Peyronie's Disease, Male Genitalia Trauma, and Reconstructive Surgery for ICSM 2024

USANZ Member Prof Eric Chung has been appointed Chair of Peyronie's Disease, Male Genitalia Trauma and Reconstructive Surgery for the upcoming 5th International Consultation on Sexual Medicine (ICSM), to be held in Madrid from 28–29 June 2024.

The ICSM is the peak authority body on all matters relating to sexual medicine. The ICSM is divided into 24 topics, with each driven by a committee of world experts in their respective fields. As Co-chair of Committee 21 on Peyronie's Disease, Penile Trauma and Reconstructive Surgery, Eric will lead key opinion leaders as they gather to review published articles and prepare a final draft to be presented for discussion at the consultation. For more information, see ICSM Committees.

As USANZ President Prof Helen O'Connell AO and Past-President A/Prof Prem Rashid have commented, Eric is going from strength to strength and this exceptional appointment is one to be proud of. Eric continues to be a leading ambassador for USANZ, and we wish him all the best in this role.

Article in the World Journal of Men's Health

USANZ Member A/Prof Darren Katz recently had an article published in the World Journal of Men's Health. The article, titled Direct-to-Consumer Telemedicine Practices in the Health and Fertility of Men: A Systematic Review of the Literature, was the culmination of a 6 month research project of which Darren was the primary supervisor for a University of Melbourne student, Christopher Lim. Christopher was recently awarded the Best Medical Student Presentation for this research at the Kendall Francis Surgical Research Forum, held in Melbourne last week. 

The article is available to read online.

Congratulations to all involved in this project!

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