RACS Thanks Members for SET Urology Curriculum Feedback

The RACS Board of Urology Chair, Rob Forsyth recently thanked Members who submitted feedback on the revised Surgical Education and Training Urology Curriculum.  

"We were delighted that members from every region responded. Over 95% of respondents agreed the document was user-friendly and the proposed requirements easy to understand. Over 90% agreed that the curriculum included all the competencies of a graduating urologist and that the curriculum components can be delivered in each training region. The Committee considered comments suggesting amendments to address minor gaps and delivery concerns", he said.

"In terms of the proposed stages of training for the various competencies, nearly 97% of responders agreed the outlined stages were appropriate. We acknowledge the assessment strategy will need to include some flexibility to ensure rigid requirements do not restrict trainees who may have reduced access to some procedures due to regional variations in practice."

Rob also sent special thanks to Members who took the time to add positive comments, and others, helping to identify typos, ensure accuracy of language and terminology and provide constructive suggestions to streamline topics in Section 3.

Earlier this year, feedback from the urology community was incorporated into a revised version of the curriculum and sent to external stakeholders for review. The Education Sub Committee then met in early March - to discuss all feedback - including that received from other specialty Colleges such as CICM, RANZCOG and RANZCR as well as surgical specialties represented on RACS Board of Surgical Education and Training. That meeting was held just prior the changes in Australia associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The final version of the revised Surgical Education and Training Urology Curriculum will be published by the RACS Board of Urology in the coming months.

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