Society Awards & Honours Nominations

USANZ has a range of ways it can bestow an honour on an individual. The rules and guidelines for the Society Awards & Honours are derived from the USANZ Constitution and USANZ Board of Director's Resolutions.

The USANZ Board of Directors, who are empowered to make decisions about the recipients of awards and honours, have simplified the process of nomination to assist both those who nominate for an award or honour and also, the Board itself in its determination of the recipents.

To reflect the increasing communication and interconnectedness of urologists from around the world, the Society awards and honours are not restricted by geographical boundaries and may also be awareded posthumously.

The Society Awards & Honours

  • Fellow of the Society
  • Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand Medal
  • Honorary Membership
  • Christchurch Medal for Bravery Award
  • Christchurch Medal for Community Service Award
  • Presidential Citation Award

Applying for a Society Award or Honour

  1. The USANZ office will contact all Full Members and Fellows and invite them to nominate appropriate persons for a Society honour. The pro forma application form will be provided.
  2. No person can be nominated for more than one honour.
  3. Each nomination will be proposed and seconded by a Full Member or Fellow of the Society and alldetails on the application which are relevant to the honour sought are to be completed. Incompletenominations will not be considered.
  4. The person being nominated should NOT be contacted by the proposer or seconder under anycircumstance. The USANZ office will contact the successful person(s) to ascertain their willingnessto receive the honour.
  5. Nominations received at the specified place for lodgment after the due date will not be considered.The due date will be set to permit the USANZ Board of Directors to receive all applications prior tothe planned Board of Directors’ meeting.

The Decision Making and Announcement Process

The Society Awards and Nominations Committee Chair will present the SANC recommendations to the Board.

The USANZ Office shall prepare a ballot paper, which clearly sets out the names of each person properly nominated for each honour.

At the USANZ Board of Directors’ meeting, each Board member shall secretly vote “for” or“against” each person nominated for an honour.

Any person receiving more than one vote against the awarding of the honour will not be awarded the honour.

The SANC Chair will contact the various award proposers and provide confidential feedback.

The USANZ office will contact the successful person(s) to ascertain their willingness to receive the honour.

Where possible the USANZ President will award honours at the USANZ Annual Scientific Meeting where the citation for the honour will be read.

Nomination Form 

Download the Society Awards & Honours Nomination Form.

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