Sessions for Training Supervisors at RACS ASC
For the first time at this year's RACS ASC, the program includes two specific sessions for Training Supervisors.
Details for these sessions are:
Wednesday 12 May
9:00 am – 10:30 am AEST
Identifying and addressing underperformance: how the supervisor and team can support learners.
Presentation by invited international speaker Professor Jennifer Cleland followed by a panel discussion with questions from the floor.
Wednesday 12 May
4:00 pm – 5:30 pm AEST
Consensus Statement Workshop – Supporting Supervisors.
This workshop will be involving supervisors in the development of a consensus statement to outline the support needed by our supervisors. The consensus statement will be used to advocate on behalf of supervisors. Interested participants must register for this workshop via email to receive preworkshop information.