Survey: Empirical Treatment of Idiopathic Male Infertility

The Society encourages all Members to participate in a new Australian-wide, Multi-Disciplinary survey on Empirical Treatment of Idiopathic Male Infertility, recently launched in collaboration by Hudson Institute of Medical Research with Healthy Male. 

The full survey will take approximately 5 minutes to complete, however, if you do not treat male infertility then it will take less than 2 minutes - but the information you provide will still be very useful. Participation in the survey is both voluntary and anonymous.

The survey is seeking to understand the practice patterns and attitudes toward empirical medical therapy (EMT) for idiopathic male infertility in Australia and New Zealand. To participate in the survey:

  • You must be a Medical practitioner who is a member of at least one of the following:
        - Fertility Society of Australia and New Zealand (FSANZ);
        - Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand (USANZ); or
        - Endocrine Society of Australia (ESA).
  • You must be currently practicing in Australia and/or New Zealand; and
  • You must have completed speciality training (i.e., not a trainee or registrar).

Participate now in the Survey: Empirical Treatment of Idiopathic Male Infertility.

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