USANZ Member Benefit: BJUI Open Access Funds and Discounts
The Society would like to highlight an advantage for Australian and New Zealand Members interested in publishing articles in BJUI Compass.
As part of an agreement between Wiley & the Council of Australian University Librarians (CAUL) affiliated institutions, many Australian authors are eligible to have their open-access article fees covered when publishing in BJUI Compass. This benefit also applies to publishing articles in BJU International. To be eligible for this benefit, you must be affiliated with a CAUL institution.
USANZ Members not affiliated with a CAUL institution, including New Zealand Members, can still take advantage of a 30% discount to publish open-access articles in BJUI Compass.
To submit an article for publication, visit the Compass submission site.
For more information on benefits, opportunities, and support for USANZ members, please see USANZ Member Benefits and Services.