PBS Changes from 1 February 2025

Please find below information relating to new and amended Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) listings implemented on 1 February 2025.

The information below relates to the administration of these listings by Services Australia. For further information, please download the Frequently Asked Questions. For information on broader PBS changes, please visit the PBS website. Relevant information and authority application forms have been updated and can be accessed through the Services Australia website.

Diabetes mellitus type 2 

Saxagliptin + dapagliflozin (saxagliptin 5 mg + dapagliflozin 10 mg tablet) (Qtern 5/1 0®) has had a change to the authority level for the treatment of diabetes mellitus type 2. Authority applications can be made either in real-time using the Online PBS Authorities system or by telephone. 

Locally advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer 

Selpercatinib (40 mg capsule; 80 mg capsule) (Retevmo®) is now listed on the PBS for the treatment of locally advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer. Prescriptions for treatment are Authority required (STREAMLINED). 

Menopausal hormone therapy 

Estradiol (25 microgram/24 hours patch, 24; 50 microgram/24 hours patch, 24; 75 microgram/24 hours patch, 24) (Estramon (Germany, Sandoz)®) for the treatment of menopausal hormone therapy is now on the PBS for the current supply shortage under Section 19A. Estradiol is listed as a unrestricted benefit.

PBS Authorities - Changes from 1 February 2025

We understand having access to PBS-subsidised medicines can be critical to patient care. That's why Services Australia and the Department of Health and Aged Care are continuing to work together to increase the number of PBS medicines that can be requested and approved using the Online PBS Authorities system (the system).

From 1 January 2025, you will be able to use the system to apply for authority approval and provide evidence digitally for the following medicines. These changes will make it easier for you to request authority approval for these medicines from Services Australia. You will no longer need to submit the written authority application form, details of the proposed prescriptions and test results for certain medicines and treatment phases.

Treatment of uncontrolled severe asthma: 

Authority applications for benralizumab, dupilumab, mepolizumab and omalizumab for initial and continuing treatment can now be made either using the Online PBS Authorities system or in writing. Authority applications for continuing treatment with omalizumab can be made either in real-time using the Online PBS Authorities system or by telephone. 

Treatment of non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis: 

Authority applications for bimekizumab, certolizumab pegol, golimumab, secukinumab and upadacitinib for initial treatment can now be made either using the Online PBS Authorities system or in writing. Authority applications for bimekizumab for grandfather treatment can now be made either using the Online PBS Authorities system or in writing. Applications to continue, change or recommence treatment can be made either in real-time using the Online PBS Authorities system or by telephone. 

Treatment of adult patients with severe active juvenile idiopathic arthritis: 

Authority applications for adalimumab, etanercept and tocilizumab for initial and continuing treatment can now be made either using the Online PBS Authorities system or in writing.


Correct online authority number 

When prescribing PBS medicines via the Online PBS Authorities system, ensure you have selected the correct medicine to match what is on the prescription. This will avoid delays with providing patients with the medication they require.

More Information

For more information about the Online PBS Authorities system visit the Services Australia website.

Services Australia has a broad range of educational resources on the Health Professional Education Resources website. This includes simulations, podcasts, and an infographic on the Online PBS Authorities system. 

Visit the Services Australia website to find the most up-to-date authority application form for each drug, program or condition. 

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