Eric Graham Holmes 1939 - 2021

FRCS(Edin)  FRACS (Urol)

Graham Holmes was a country boy born in Bundaberg and raised in Sarina North Queensland, a beneficiary of his father's small business. Life in Sarina included caddying for his parents' golf tournaments - their success obviously due to the skill of the caddie! A lifelong love of golf was born.

Secondary School meant a boarder at Church of England Grammar School in Brisbane. Rugby became another sporting interest. On completion of high school education, Graham entered the University of Queensland graduating MBBS in 1964. St Johns College was his home during his undergraduate years. During the following two years, he served as a resident at the Royal Brisbane Hospital. The desire to undertake surgical training saw him travel to the UK working in Nottingham and Edinburgh Royal Infirmary. The decision to become a Urologist was made and he returned home in 1970 to join the staff at Princess Alexandra Hospital (PAH) having been granted the FRCS (Edin).

1971 was a momentous year - successfully achieving his FRACS (Urol) as well as marrying a PAH nurse - Sandra Piper (Pip).  Undergraduate nurses had only been granted permission to marry but even so, Graham had to seek permission from the Matron to marry one of her nurses.  Team Holmes was created!

Graham was appointed Consultant Urologist and Urologist to the Spinal Injuries Unit PAH. For the remainder of his practicing life, he remained an admired and respected Urologist at PAH. His teaching skills and professional enthusiasm have contributed to many making a decision to train in Urology. In 1990, respect from his colleagues was reflected in his being elected President of the national Urological Society - now named the Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand. As President, he set a new standard for the conduction of the Annual Scientific meeting of the Society. His search for positive change was evident in his own urological practice. He instigated the concept of a joint practice with a colleague. The Brisbane Urology Clinic was established. This now expanded and dynamic clinic is an integral part of urological service in our community.

Graham will be remembered as a loyalist. Loyal to his family and friends, his professional colleagues and institutions, and the community generally.  He and Pip found time to support their ideals and contributed to the growth of the Liberal Party in a developing area outside Brisbane.

A reflection of his life would not be complete without acknowledgment of his infectious sense of humour and love of life. Like his parents, he met with golfing success but for him, participation was what counted.  The members of the Brisbane Golf Club have been fortunate to count him as a member and friend.

He will be fondly remembered by all who knew him.

USANZ thanks Ross Cartmill FRCS FRACS OAM for preparing this obituary.

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