Global Innovation Program 2024

The next round of research challenges in AstraZeneca's global 'Open Innovation' program is now open.

The CoSolve program seeks innovative, tangible solutions for patients that can be translated into medical practice in 12-18 months. Successful candidates will work alongside R&D experts to develop potentially life-changing advancements.

About CoSolve

This program is about research challenges. It brings together collaborators from academia, start-ups, and early-stage biotech companies who have innovative ideas that can be rapidly translated into tangible solutions. The goal is developing and delivering new therapies, and bringing them to patients sooner. For more information, read the FAQs on the CoSolve portal.

Application Process

Challenges currently requiring solutions are posted on the CoSolve portal. Applicants should submit their proposal in response to a specific challenge.

The deadline for submissions is 6 March 2024. 

Successful candidates will be invited to pitch their proposal during Challenge Week, where they work on solutions with AstraZeneca scientists. A winning project will be announced at the end of Challenge Week.

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