USANZ in the Media: King Charles BPH - 26 January

On 22 January 2024, USANZ produced a media release in response to news that King Charles is undergoing a corrective procedure for an enlarged prostate. The media release features statements from USANZ Vice President, Damien Bolton, about the procedure and the importance of getting tested regularly.

This story has generated considerable media interest worldwide, with media in Australia keen to find a local angle. More than eighty AAP newspapers around Australia ran a syndicated article entitled "King's prostate surgery expected to boost testing." See, for example, this article from the St.George and Sutherland Shire Leader.

On Wednesday 24 January, the Channel Nine News ran a story discussing how the so-called "King Charles Effect" has led to more men scheduling prostate checks. The story included an interview with Prof Bolton about how the King's announcement has increased general interest in this issue.

With media interest likely to continue as the King recovers, further mentions of USANZ in the media will be reported in future editions of UroNews.

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