Innovation by USANZ Member - Robotic Laser Therapy System

A new robotic laser therapy system looks set to provide an alternative treatment of prostate cancer that may improve patient outcomes. ProFocal technology has been developed over the past decade by a collaborative team led by USANZ member, Dr Celi Varol.

ProFocal is a needle-guided laser ablation treatment that directly targets cancerous cells without removing or affecting the whole prostate gland. The procedure - which was trialled at Nepean Hospital - means many patients could maintain full prostate function after day surgery with minimal recovery time. This outcome will come as welcome news for patients and urologists alike.

In November 2023, the Office for Health and Medical Research announced the project would receive $2.5 million as part of the Medical Devices Fund which aims to take innovations to market to improve patient outcomes. The funding will allow the ProFocal team to accelerate the product development process, opening up opportunities for wider access to the important technology.

For more information about ProFocal, see releases by NSW Health:

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