SAG Meetings at the ASM 2024
The Specialty Advisory Group meetings will take place during the ASM on Sunday 25th and Monday 26th February. Full details are provided below.
These meetings are an opportunity for SAG Leaders and members to discuss issues of importance within their areas of interest and to recommend initiatives for consideration by the USANZ Board of Directors. All members are encouraged to attend.
If you are not planning on being at the ASM but wish to be on a SAG mailing list, please email the USANZ Secretary.
Sunday 25 February – 17:30 to 18:30
- Genitourinary Oncology SAG (Riverbank Rooms 7 & 8)
- Endourology SAG (Room E1 & E2)
- Male LUTS SAG (Riverbank Room 1)
- Paediatric & Reconstructive SAG (Riverbank Rooms 3&4)
Monday 26 February – 17:30 to 18:30
- Female Urology SAG (Hall C)
- Andrology SAG (Riverbank Rooms 3&4)