Requesting PBS-Subsidised Opioids Online

Opioid PBS-subsidised authority approval medicines can be requested in real-time through the Online PBS Authorities system for quantities and/or repeats that provide up to 3 months treatment.

This removes the need for health practitioners to call or submit a written application to Services Australia. The system makes it easier to request authority approval by providing an immediate processing response, avoiding any postage delays and increased patient care.

Alternatively, requests up to 1 months treatment can be made via telephone and requests for up to 3 months treatment can be made by submitting a request in writing (via the Health Professionals Online Services form upload or via post). Telephone authority requests seeking treatment beyond 1 month treatment will not be approved.

For information about relevant PBS restrictions, download Services Australia's PBS Opioids factsheet.

A summary of PBS opioid listings for the treatment of pain as of 1 June 2020 are available on the PBS website.

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