Celebrating USANZ Members

Incoming SAG Leaders

USANZ congratulates the following incoming Leaders of our Specialty Advisory Groups:

We also acknowledge the ongoing work of the continuing Leaders:

  • Endourologuy: Gregory Jack as Leader and Nadya York as Deputy LEader
  • Female Urology: Eva Fong as Leader and Sandra Elmer as Deputy Leader
  • SWANZU: Anita Clarke as Leader

These Leaders are responsible for consulting with and drawing on the experience of Community Members to advise the Board on matters relating to clinical practice and sub-specialty areas. More information about the SAGs is available on the USANZ website.

We thank these Members for their service to the Society and field of Urology. 

Renu Eapen on Breaking Barriers for Women in Medicine

Last Saturday was International Women's Day (IWD). This is a day of both advocacy and celebration for our members; we recognise ongoing efforts towards gender equality and celebrate the significant achievements and contributions of women in science and medicine.

Dr Renu Eapen is one of many inspiring women in our membership, and we were delighted to see her featured in the Herald Sun VWeekend Magazine last weekend.

Renu is a Consultant Urologist with a special interest in prostate, kidney and bladder cancers. As part of the Herald Sun's IWD coverage, Renu shares insights on science, medicine, diversity and mentorship. 

Her message to women — "you are only limited by your curiosity, creativity, and imagination" — is an inspiring one, as is her emphasis on mentorship and the need to support and empower other women in the field. 

For more information on this story, the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre has written an article which is available to read online.

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We are always pleased to hear about the activity and achievements of our Members. If you have a story you would like to share, please see how to Submit Content for Publication

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