Survey - Indwelling Urinary Catheter Securement Care

ANZUNS have shared a survey on behalf of Griffith University about indwelling urinary catheters (IDC) securement care. The survey is aimed at healthcare professionals who are responsible for IDC care in any healthcare setting across Australia for neonates, paediatric and adult populations.

The purpose of this research is to gather evidence on clinician knowledge, beliefs and clinical practices for securing and IDC. This research will provide high-level evidence that will drive practice change and educational strategies.

The survey is anonymous and is expected to take no longer than 10 minutes to complete. It has been approved by Griffith University Human Research Ethics Committee (GU Ref No: 2024/874).

Complete the survey.

For more information, please email Dr Deanne August or Jane Wickins.

The survey closes 31 May 2025.

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