October 2020
- SET (Urology) Trainee Program Successes
- UAA 2020 Webinar: Cutting Edge Treatment of Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer
- National Workshop for Surgical Robotics
- RACS 2020 Surgical Workforce Census
- New Mesh Class Action
- Living With Bladder Cancer: Q&A Forum for Patients & Carers
- Ipsen Offers 20 Registrations to STEPS Session at ESOU 2021
- 1 November 2020 MBS Update
- MBS Stakeholder Webinar Recording Now Available
- Fairfax Media covers Use of iTIND Device in BPH
- USANZ Responds to MJA Article
- RACS Trainee Wellbeing Resource
- World Urological Oncology Federation Virtual Symposium
- Every Doctor, Every Setting Webinar
- AUA 2021 Las Vegas: Save the Date
- EAU21 Milan: Save the Date
- Complimentary Registrations to BAUS 2020 Virtual
- USANZ ASM 2022: Convenors Announced
- Women & Leadership Australia Development Scholarships